Hollow Bones Order

A Channel For The Spirit

Hollow Bones is pure Zen understanding, practice and insight. Hollow Bones is Zen taken out of its oriental cultural context, stripped bare and when investigated becomes not a faith-based religion, but a non-sectarian, pragmatic philosophy, a technology leading to true spiritual insight and freedom.

As the Zen saying goes, “Before awakening – chopping wood and carrying water, after awakening – chopping wood and carrying water.”

Mondo Zen Retreat

The Hollow Bones Retreat and Mondo Zen Retreat, are modern American Zen meditation retreats. Its root and form are adopted from the Japanese Samurai Rinzai Zen Tradition. The language used is English, and all of the practices are articulated and clearly understood. 

In this school of Zen, it is essential that you awaken now, and there is a fierce insistence that you do. Meditating, sitting quietly is not enough. You must awaken! You must become free! You must answer the question, “Who are you” from the depth of realization, not speculation.

Frequently Asked Questions

You do not need experience, we will ask if you would like any help prior to the meditation period. We may show you different ways to sit, and answer your questions before hand. This is why it is important to arrive several minutes prior to the start of the period. However, once you enter the meditation hall (zendo) we ask that you do not speak, and that you take your seat, quietly take your seat. You will find that there are rituals, however you will not be expected to know them, and you can participate as much or as little as you feel comfortable.
You do not need experience, we will ask if you would like any help prior to the meditation period. We may show you different ways to sit, and answer your questions before hand. This is why it is important to arrive several minutes prior to the start of the period. However, once you enter the meditation hall (zendo) we ask that you do not speak, and that you take your seat, quietly take your seat. You will find that there are rituals, however you will not be expected to know them, and you can participate as much or as little as you feel comfortable.
You do not need experience, we will ask if you would like any help prior to the meditation period. We may show you different ways to sit, and answer your questions before hand. This is why it is important to arrive several minutes prior to the start of the period. However, once you enter the meditation hall (zendo) we ask that you do not speak, and that you take your seat, quietly take your seat. You will find that there are rituals, however you will not be expected to know them, and you can participate as much or as little as you feel comfortable.
You do not need experience, we will ask if you would like any help prior to the meditation period. We may show you different ways to sit, and answer your questions before hand. This is why it is important to arrive several minutes prior to the start of the period. However, once you enter the meditation hall (zendo) we ask that you do not speak, and that you take your seat, quietly take your seat. You will find that there are rituals, however you will not be expected to know them, and you can participate as much or as little as you feel comfortable.
You do not need experience, we will ask if you would like any help prior to the meditation period. We may show you different ways to sit, and answer your questions before hand. This is why it is important to arrive several minutes prior to the start of the period. However, once you enter the meditation hall (zendo) we ask that you do not speak, and that you take your seat, quietly take your seat. You will find that there are rituals, however you will not be expected to know them, and you can participate as much or as little as you feel comfortable.
You do not need experience, we will ask if you would like any help prior to the meditation period. We may show you different ways to sit, and answer your questions before hand. This is why it is important to arrive several minutes prior to the start of the period. However, once you enter the meditation hall (zendo) we ask that you do not speak, and that you take your seat, quietly take your seat. You will find that there are rituals, however you will not be expected to know them, and you can participate as much or as little as you feel comfortable.
You do not need experience, we will ask if you would like any help prior to the meditation period. We may show you different ways to sit, and answer your questions before hand. This is why it is important to arrive several minutes prior to the start of the period. However, once you enter the meditation hall (zendo) we ask that you do not speak, and that you take your seat, quietly take your seat. You will find that there are rituals, however you will not be expected to know them, and you can participate as much or as little as you feel comfortable.
You do not need experience, we will ask if you would like any help prior to the meditation period. We may show you different ways to sit, and answer your questions before hand. This is why it is important to arrive several minutes prior to the start of the period. However, once you enter the meditation hall (zendo) we ask that you do not speak, and that you take your seat, quietly take your seat. You will find that there are rituals, however you will not be expected to know them, and you can participate as much or as little as you feel comfortable.

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